Photo Challenge : Out of this World

Photographic Passion

I have been travelling alongside this rail line for many years and always just had a perspective from the road.

During last week I was desperately looking for an opportunity to put my learning from my photo diploma course to practice. This prompted me to stop and take a photo out of this world from a very personal perspective. A point of view I have missed for so many years.


In keeping with this idea I constantly look for different points of view to create a new perspective of landmarks I past by regularly.

The following two photos try to explain this practice. I’m always eager to see what the outcome would be like. I really was amazed by looking at the second photo on its own. I guess it will leave someone who does not have the full context with lots of questions as to what this really is. I enjoy doing this as I learn a lot from the final products.

Just love Photography!

p.s:  The first photo is not a great example of good photographic technique, but I want to get my message across.



#weekly photo challenge